March 10, 2025

You Say You Want a Resolution?

“You cannot correct your course by standing still.” Maxwell Maltz

January 1, 2011 can be a time to consider what you would like to accomplish in your next year.  While we can “correct course” any time of year, the New Year is traditionally a time to reconsider goals.

Step One: Stop and think within categories of health, wealth, social life, and interests for the last year. Take time to fully consider these — to stop and think is new for many. Write out both questions and answers.  Be thoughtful, there is no hurry. Some questions to reflect on:

  • What did you do well?
  • What were your shortcomings?
  • What did you learn?
  • What more do you now want?

Step Two:   Consider your future. Again, write what you think important; be as specific as possible. After using the same categories, review; then highlight any goal(s) you are most interested in accomplishing. Some potential questions for thought:

  • What more do you want?
  • What skill do you want to learn/accomplish in 2011?
  • How can your health be better?
  • What improvement do you consider financially?
  • Are there goals you might consider doing with friends?
  • Is spiritual growth in this picture?
  • Or maybe you want greater involvement in your community?

Step Three:  Write down thoughtful resolutions. Be specific. Prioritize!

  • Answer when and how will you know the resolution is achieved?
  • Be realistic.
  • Don’t make too many resolutions.
  • You must be serious about the ones you pick.
  • Make a plan. Include a specific first step.
  • Go Public. Tell your friends!
  • Identify small steps.
  • Keep track of progress.
  • Celebrate success!

Know the value of living with constant improvement as you live your life to its fullest. Tony Robbins, Author and Authority on Leadership Psychology, calls it “CANI, Constant and Never ending Improvement.”


“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become in achieving your goals. “ Zig Ziglar.

Use the turning of the year as a key time to take stock and make new commitments for yourself. Happy 2011!
